Figuring out how to write concisely

It’s hard to believe that Module 1 is already over! I definitely really enjoyed being able to experience the scientific process from start to finish (if only a condensed, abbreviated version of it), as given the amount of time that science typically takes, I haven’t quite been as able to experience the whole process as a UROP.
One of the elements of Module 1 that I’ve had a hard time getting used to has been the scientific writing. Most of the comments that I’ve gotten about my writing in previous classes have been that I tend to write pretty long, convoluted sentences, which isn’t exactly ideal for scientific writing. Certain sections like the Methods section weren’t as difficult to write because they seem to be relatively standard, and the level of detail that should be included isn’t very ambiguous. Sections like the Abstract, however, were much trickier. Trying to find the correct balance between including enough detail in my sentences and also keeping them concise enough was quite challenging, especially when the sentences had to be in bullet points. I wanted to make sure to include enough information that the reader can understand the experiments, but not too much information that isn’t relevant. It has also been difficult to try to find the balance between making my writing sound “professional” and “scientific,” but also making sure the meaning of what I’m writing is not obstructed, and that the content is accessible to readers.
I’ve definitely learned a lot about scientific writing from this module. I’ve especially learned that when trying to construct sentences that have the correct balance between detail vs concision, or a professional tone vs a clear meaning, it can be pretty time-consuming to find the correct words and best phrasing. I definitely want to make sure to give myself plenty of time for the (likely many) iterations of this process in the next module!


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