Science is a Variable

Reflecting back on Module 1, I would have to say the hardest part was synthesizing the main points of the experiment. By the time we got around to writing the Data Summary, I had forgotten all of the specific details that were integrated into the lab. This made me realize the importance of maintaining a well organized and updated lab notebook, because it made it easy for me to look back and reference what we discovered in lab each day. Writing the methods section also refreshed my memory.

Another part that was difficult to digest was the unknown aspect of biology and research. While our group happened to get a CometChip that reflected the expected trend (although we have no clue why our data differed from classmates given the same protocol), we still only had one concentration of statistically significant data between the cell lines. This makes me wonder if that was by chance or if there is a deeper meaning behind that specific concentration.

Research in general can definitely be frustrating when experiments don't work out as planned, so I realized it is important to stay patient and accept that sometimes the unexpected is all apart of the process.


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