As the days grow smaller, so does my hope for an A

As the days in M2 continued to pass, I dreaded writing the research article more and more. My train of thought every day was, "Maybe I'll get hit by a bus on my way to class today so I won't have to do this assignment." Alas, here I am, writing this blog post after turning in what I hope was a quality paper.

I always hated writing essays about myself, or an event that happened to me. I always felt self-conscious, like I was talking myself up. As such, I thought maybe writing scientific papers would be a much easier process for me.


With this paper, I continuously struggled with what exactly to include in each subsection. It would go from too much information, to not enough information, to feeling like I was just repeating myself over and over again. The thing that worked best for me was just taking my time. Instead of just writing things down to make a rough draft of what I needed then going back and doing a lot of editing, I took the time to write each sentence exactly how I thought it should be, going back and changing things as they became apparent. This took much longer, but it also cut down on the time spent revising.

What also helped me with what to include in each section was going back and looking at the M1 data summary, or what other papers include in their sections. I figure if they got published, they must be doing something right.

Overall, it was a very difficult assignment, but also one that gave me very much-needed experience. I feel more comfortable with the fact that I will probably be writing papers in the future, as I know that I can do it now.


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