Figure making taught me how to use powerpoint to make memes

To write my research article, I used a mix of staff help along with people not in the class. When I was done with the rough draft of my research article, I printed it out and read it again. For some reason, this enabled me to read this article more objectively, and less as if it was my writing.

Once this was finished, I gave my article to a friend that has no understanding of anything I was writing about. I asked him to tell me which parts of my paper (barring the methods) didn't seem to be clear enough for an audience with little knowledge about CRISPRi and experimental goals. Because all the people in the class I talked to about the paper along have a solid understanding of CRISPRi and what we used it for, it seemed like it would be useful to get an uninformed person's opinion.

One other resource I utilized in the writing of this research article was office hours. For obvious reasons, the instructors of the course provided the best information on figure content along with what sorts of details to include in the methods section and results. I found talking through my thought process with them for what kind of figures I wanted to make made making every figure a lot clearer and simpler. Additionally, because I don't have much experience writing methods sections, some rules such as when it's acceptable to use volumes are lost on me. Talking with the instructors at office hours helped clear a lot of these rules up.

One thing I also used was my past data summary for module 1. Because the data summary was meant to kind of outline a research paper, I used the techniques I employed in the writing of the data summary to guide my research article writing.

Overall, I now understand why module 2 is regarded as so difficult. The amount of work to collect my thoughts over a experiment where I used data from different groups and different years took a lot of time. Additionally, parts of my writing began to feel very redundant. I feel that I explained the purpose of the same experimental steps multiple times throughout the paper and I'm not sure if I was supposed to or not. The writing itself of the research article wasn't that time consuming but what took a lot of time was planning out what ideas I want to explain and where in the paper. If I were to do this project again, I would probably give myself time throughout the writing process to relax and make the writing easier.


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