Getting an A is hard :'(

After this assignment, I realized how hard is it to get an A in difficult classes.
I spent cumulatively probably 30 hours writing this report because I'm horrible at writing. I always feel like my wording isn't clear and my structures are bad.
I also felt like throughout this assignment I was constantly repeating what I've already said but it was a really frustrating process to try to fix it
I'm also just super exhausted because we're at that point of the semester so everything is a struggle really.
But I'm super glad it's over and I am in a sense proud I put together a 13 page research article showing my knowledge in metabolic metabolism to increase acetate production in E. coli.
I learned quite a bit about CRISPRi and the wet lab protocols to get to our final results.
I really wish I was a better writer/communicator
I always degraded myself and never liked the way I phrased things.
It truly is a remarkable skill to not only be extremely knowledgable about your field in science but also to be able to communicate it well.
Those to me are the real heroes in science
I feel very insignificant compared to them :'(
But I'm slowly crawling and inching my way through the rest of this semester.. 2/3 of the class is done! Final push.


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