"if you (Q)uit now, it was all fo(R) noth(I)ng" (S-PR)

Writing the module 2 report was easily, though let's be clear it was far from easy, the hardest and worst thing I have ever had to do during my time here at MIT. I'm not saying that in a negative way. It's just facts.

I think what made is so difficult was that it felt endless. At least with exams you know it's from 7:30PM to 9:30PM and fin, but with this report man, you really didn't know when it was going to end. It's like, you've put in 20 hours and you still ain't done. What made matters rougher was that you put in all this work, and you're not even sure it's good at the end.

That being said, I think it was a very formative experience. I for sure did not like the added stress of the fact I was turning it in late, but I did like the pressure to write a whole research report. Now I know how much work it requires--a whole lot. I want to learn from this experience and say to myself, "I never want to be in this position ever again," and I think that for once, I am actually adopting this into my life (inshaAllah, God willing, as He knows best). And I'm very thankful for that; I hit a new low and I want to bounce back stronger than ever.

While working on the research article, there were several things that I found helpful. I am so very thankful that we had to do at least one figure for homework already and we got it back with comments, along with most of the methods. High-key my report would have been complete trash if not for those comments on my homework. I also utilized the BE Communication Lab to look over my figures, which was helpful because having someone else look at your work is always useful. Going to office hours and asking/emailing questions was also another must.

My biggest help though, especially for my moral because it was at a very high low this morning, was getting an email from Leslie asking if I had any questions and that she would be able to help later in the day. I literally got tears in my eyes and I am so thankful for the continuous support from the 109 professors and especially from Leslie. She was telling me, "Once you finish, you'll feel so good because it's over!" And she's so right! The last push I got was from writing on a table in the Barker library, "If you quit now, it was all for nothing."

Ayşe Güvenilir 


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