So much for get-away weekend...

This weekend was meant to be a relaxing weekend away from the stress of MIT...THINK AGAIN. This weekend was instead spent pouring over my research paper. None of the relaxing, all of the editing. At the start of Mod 2 I told myself that I would have the research paper done by the time I left for my little Maine vacation, thinking that it would all be okay. (Narrator: “It would not, in fact, all be okay.”) Turns out, it’s pretty difficult to write a paper with no data! Who knew! The fact that we got our data the Thursday before this was due was a little bit of a rough time. I was actually pretty successful with working on the paper as much as I could but forming the critical parts of the paper, such as the end of the introduction, the discussion and the results section was pretty difficult without any concrete findings.

In the future, I will try and not schedule get-away weekends right before big assignments are due. Or lower my expectations of the relaxation to be had. Or just stop going on get-away weekends all together. May when we graduate...


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