Step 1 to writing a research article: start writing

This was definitely the most intimidating writing assignment that I’ve had to take on during my time here at the ‘tute, and it was definitely super overwhelming. Once all the data was collected, I had a few days where the only thing that would go through my head when I tried to start writing is: “now what?”. I couldn’t tell you how many times I opened up Word or PowerPoint, stared at a blank page, and then closed my laptop. Even though we had homework assignments along the way to serve as handrails for the assignment, I still found myself fumbling. Where to start? I tried starting with the figures, as suggested by... well, everyone. But instead of a blank screen, I was staring at multiple (five, to be exact) spreadsheets filled with numbers waiting to be analyzed. As torturous as it was for my eyes, I was able to gain some traction, and motivation, to actually start writing. I had a vague idea of what I wanted to say about all the data and word vomit ensued. My writing process ended up going something like this: write nonstop for a couple hours, take a nap to let my thoughts marinate, wake up and read over what I wrote, delete most of it because it made no sense, rinse and repeat. I think had I not had such a hectic weekend I would’ve been less scatterbrained, but I also think that I wouldn’t have combed through what I had written as much. After looking over the research article for the last time and making sure my figures were legible, I was satisfied. It definitely felt weird being able to go to bed at 9:30, but after days of always having this paper on my mind, I was thankful to close all my office windows and get some shuteye.


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