Stress, Meme, Repeat

So the Module 2 paper turned out to be a very stressful series of cramming to finish up the paper after having a hectic week and getting triggered from my ptsd of writing research papers and literature reviews during an internship. Could I have planned far ahead and gotten the paper done the prior week? Like, maybe... but ultimately I ended up finally getting a chance to sit down with my paper a few hours before it was due (see meme 1) and the exhaustion of that week definitely just did not help with my productivity.

I ended up taking Leslie's advice and utilizing the late day to really polish things up and also be less stressed about cramming to finish. This also gave me a chance to set up a meeting with Sean to get quality feedback on my final draft. Noreen's office hours were also a valuable resource that allowed me to get direct feedback on areas of confusion. Leslie was another MVP I dedicate this paper to because she was very responsive to my million emails asking for feedback.

Given that I took the late day and now have this blog along with the paper to do, I definitely spent way longer than I should have scanning through memes (see meme 2).

Overall, the research paper ended up being rather stressful, but now this module is behind us and we have Mod3 to worry about haha. Also for future students, definitely take an extra day if needed and utilize the staff that is there to support you!



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