Writing research article is so hard!

Oh I feel like I have so much to write about Mod2 paper. I was so hopeful when I looked at the colorimetric assay and saw the last one had most strong color. But once after I analyzed the data, then my hope’s gone. Nothing in the data was significant! Well, writing a research article is hard. And writing a research article with insignificant data is much harder! Most of the time I wrote my research article, I was not sure what the title should be, what should I needed to emphasize about or what I should conclude about my research. I remembered that I was so excited when I learned that we would use CRISPRi for metabolic engineer! Woah all the buzz words! But what to do when your data is not significant?
Then I finally found some trend that might explain why my data was insignificant, but that trend was not really relate to the research initial purpose or background. Then half of time was used to decide again whether I should talk more about that trend or not. And my time management also not well at all. I planned to use the last day to revise, then on 7pm on November 12th, I was still typing and find reference for my introduction, and no real revision was done at all. And then I submitted it at exactly 10pm and hope 10pm didn’t count as late submission. Now I’m really not sure whether doing experiments or writing papers about the experiments is harder.


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