Biological Engineering--What isn't it??

Many people are confused as to what biological engineers do, which is fair because we encompass a broad range of applications. When people ask me what exactly BE is, I typically respond that ultimately it is taking the various engineering disciplines and applying them to biological systems. It is having the ability to observe the natural mechanisms found in biology and and then modify or reproduce desired aspects for a new goal. 

I feel that the different modules show the kind of diversity present in BE and the creative applications that are possible. I enjoyed Mod3 the most due to the unique project we were doing. I find it amazing the endless possibilities that lie within the mysteries of biology and its manipulation. 

The research proposals also speak to this expansive area of creativity. Anything imaginable can essential be grounded in some hypothesis that will let you explore that space. And even if the hypothesis ends up rejected, you still gain valuable information about what lines of thought could be eliminated, which in turn can guide you to alternative discoveries.

~Shea Landeene


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