Crispy Tau EP- Meerkat Gang

This module was definitely not what I had initially expected, it went by so much quicker than the other two. I really enjoyed the content of the module, even though a lot of lab time was spent waiting (and not working on the research proposal like we were supposed to). Although it felt rushed and frantic, I quite liked having to do the research proposal. I was really excited to do some independent research on AD, even though we changed our approach what felt like a million times. I was able to learn a lot about something that I have been researching over the past two years and I also finally felt like I was contributing a large part to my group. Going into the research proposal presentation, I felt a lot more confident and comfortable than my journal club presentation. I'm really glad to have been a part of such a good lab team, it definitely played a huge part in my enjoyment of 109, because sometimes screwing around is better for you than being productive. This blog post is a little all over the place, but I'm going to blame it on the collective 15 hours of sleep I've had over the past week. I'm incredibly grateful for my peers and the teaching staff; thank you so much for making this semester bearable!


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