Novel blog post title

Module 3 was really interesting for me, because it covered an area of biological engineering that I’m not very familiar with. While I was at least somewhat familiar with the molecular biology and lab techniques covered in Modules 1 and 2, the material we covered in Module 3 was pretty new to me, so I really appreciated the chance to become familiar with another important area of biological engineering. I also felt like Module 3 lent itself really well to cool-sounding stories to impress my parents/friends with. As cool as using CRISPR sounds, saying “I made a battery out of a virus today” was definitely a hit with the parentals. 

In addition to making the battery, I thought the research proposal was a really interesting process. As difficult as it was, it was really rewarding in the end when we finally became somewhat well-versed in our topic and eventually came up with a decent idea, and were (hopefully) able to communicate our idea to our peers. It was also interesting to see how each of us became a little more specialized in one area than the others did, and it felt almost like collaborating on a project with people from slightly different fields, which was really interesting. As challenging as this process was, it made me feel like this is almost what real science would be like, and it made me look forward to doing more research in the future – although it will probably be much trickier in the future without advice from the 109 instructors!


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